Let's look at the first limb of yoga: Yamas.
The Yamas can be thought of as 'moral restraints' and contains 5 practices known as:
✨ Ahimsa (non-violence/harming)
✨ Satya (truthfulness)
✨ Asteya (non-stealing)
✨ Brahmacharya (continence/right use of energy)
✨ Aparigraha (non-coveting/greed)

In the Yoga Sutras of Patanjali, it is said that 'these great vows are universal, not limited by class, place, time, or circumstances'.
Observing the Yamas is not something we only do on our yoga mat. These practices were meant to be observed in our everyday lives and our on-the-mat yoga practice can help us to be more mindful in order to do this.
We'll be going into each of these Yamas in more detail in future posts. Stay tuned for the next yoga philosophy post where we'll have a deeper look at the first Yama: Ahimsa.
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